Our Story

Our Gotland adventure started when we got our first 5 sheep; 3 ewes (Joy, Serenity, and Topeka), a ram (Fredrick), and a wether (Carlton). Soon after our fab-five arrived, Joy gave birth to the “Triplets” (Jasper, Aurelia, and Katie Lou). The next year we had Fredrick’s 5 children; Olive and Opal from Joy, Inara Serra and Kaylee Frye from Serenity, and Turtle from Topeka. We have sinced welcomed other rams into our flock, all who sired 26 lambs in the spring of 2022. Since, our flock has continued to grow, and with it incredible moments, memories, and wool. We are excited that our flock is growing and are excited for the continuous journey that they take us on!